Saturday, September 15, 2012

Gattuso family

  While I was home in Cincinnati this summer, I got the chance to see my best friend growing up! Isn't it amazing, how when you reconnect with people it's as if you were never apart.  That's how it is for me with Tiffany.  She is apart of so many of my favorite memories, and it always makes me sad that we live so far apart (I miss Cincinnati)! Since I was traveling alone, with THREE kids, I didn't bring my camera and just borrowed theirs (which felt a little strange)! But, with a family this cute, it couldn't go wrong! I'm hoping my next trip out, I'll be organized enough to actually set up some photo sessions! 


1 comment:

Jenna Rabe said...

Love it! Tiff picked awesome colors and such a cute little family! Nice job Darcy!