Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Chews" the Right- free printable

Here is a "Chews" the right gum ball machine that I designed for primary.  Our ward is using it as an incentive for having the kiddos bring their scriptures each week...  but you could use it however works best for you!  (blown up for sharing time/music time, teacher behavior chart, you name it)!  When kids bring their scriptures, the teacher will put a round colorful sticker on the gum ball machine and when it's full, the class gets a prize! 
You should be able to right click and save! 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Glenna + Ioua aka "Gloua"

My beautiful sister in law is getting married in April! I am so excited for them & had so much fun photographing these two together (they even wanted to play in the water! FUN!)  When I was first dating Shawn, we made a trip down to California for his friends wedding and I got to meet Shawn's family (Glenna was probably 14ish at the time).  I remember sitting in church that Sunday and Glenna leans over, points to Ioua and whispers, "That's who I like!" I have teases her about Ioua ever since... and yay... nine years or so later... they are getting married!